Psi-Force was one of the 4 titles that remained after Shooter left.
It ran 32 issues and received an annual. It seems to have a pretty
hit and miss following with New Universe fans. Some think it was the
best of all 8 books, and some rank it only above Kickers.
From Marvel Age promos: Anastasia Inyushin is a psychic healer. Tyrone Jessup can project
his astral self. Wayne Tucker is a telepath. Kathy Ling is a
telekinetic. And Michael Crawley can use psionic powers to explode
things. Divided, they're vulnerable to exploitation -- by individuals, by
organizations, by governments. United, they can mindmeld and create
a being who possesses all of their paranormal abilities -- the
Psi-Hawk. United they're invincible.