Originally titled "Spitfire and the Troubleshooters," this series
ran 13 issues. The title was changed to simply Spitfire for a couple of
issues before being changed again to Codename: Spitfire for the final
4 issues. Spitfire was one of the titles cut when Shooter left Marvel.
From Marvel Age promos: Jenny Swensen, a highly respected full Professor of Applied
Engineering at M.I.T., cares about what's right. With the aid of
five outstanding M.I.T. students, she steals from Fritz Krotze the
lab that originally belonged to her late father, including his
technological masterpiece, the M.A.X. (Man-Amplified eXperimental
suit). Krotze wants the M.A.X. back -- his aim, to develop it into highly
marketable combat armor. Jenny and her friends find themselves using
the M.A.X. to wage war on Krotze while constantly evading the law.